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84 Performance Videos

2/10/2022 星期四下午4:00至5:00,嬋鳴古箏團肯尼地表演藝術中心千禧舞台農曆新年專場
Alice Gu-zheng Ensemble Lunar New Year Performance at Millennium Stage, the Kennedy Center
5/08/2022 在肯尼地表演藝術中心的 REACH 演出
Lecture at REACH, the Kennedy Center

1/25/2020 Celebrating the Year of the Rat
at Patrick Henry Library, Virginia. 演出:歡慶鼠年 (“老鼠愛上貓”片頭曲, 小老鼠上燈台)
1/25/2020 Mice Love Rice
at LakeForest Mall, Maryland. 演出:老鼠愛大米
12/07/2019 Lan Hua Hua (Gu-zheng and singer)
at Alice gu-zheng ensemble 17th Annual Concert, 蘭花花 (古箏與獨唱)
12/07/2019 With Whom My Sword Fight (Gu-zheng & Martial Arts)
at Alice gu-zheng ensemble 17th Annual Concert, 演出 劍伴誰在 (古箏與武術)
12/07/2019 New Moon, Old Memory (Gu-zheng and singer)
at Alice gu-zheng ensemble 17th Annual Concert, 彎彎的月亮 (古箏與獨唱)
12/07/2019 Festival Celebration
at Alice gu-zheng ensemble 17th Annual Concert, 演出 節慶
12/07/2019 Standing on the Hillock
at Alice gu-zheng ensemble 17th Annual Concert, 演出 站在高崗上
9/28/2019 Man of Strength and Determination (Gu-zheng and Martial Arts)
at Reston Multicultural Festival, Reston, Virginia. 演出:男兒當自強 (古箏與武術)
5/04/2019 The Medley of Evening Song on the Fishing Boat & Amazing Grace
at AAPI Event of the Basilica of the National Shrine, DC. 演出:漁舟唱晚,奇異恩典聯奏
2/09/2019 The Medley of the Year of the Pig
at Patrick Henry Library, Virginia. 演出:猪年組曲 (天上掉下猪八戒, 猪八戒背媳婦)
11/03/2018 The Flower Goddess (Gu-zheng and singer)
at Alice gu-zheng ensemble 16th Annual Concert, 天女散花 (古箏與獨唱)
3/02/2018 Gu-zheng and Calligraphy
at Montgomery Mall, 嫁狗 (古箏與書法)
2/18/2018 How Much Is That Doggie In The Window?
at Lunar New Year Celebration of CCCC, China town, DC. 櫥窗裡的小狗
10/28/2017 Chrysanthemum Terrace (Gu-zheng and singer)
at Alice gu-zheng ensemble 15th Annual Concert, 菊花台 (古箏與獨唱)
10/28/2017 Phoenix Hairpin (Gu-zheng and singer)
at Alice gu-zheng ensemble 15th Annual Concert, 釵頭鳳 (古箏與獨唱)
10/28/2017 Serenade of Green Island (Gu-zheng and singer)
at Alice gu-zheng ensemble 15th Annual Concert, 綠島小夜曲 (古箏與獨唱)
8/13/2017 at American University Museum , DC
at Foon Shem Exhibition 在沈寛教授木作展 演出 千聲佛
8/13/2017 at American University Museum , DC
at Foon Shem Exhibition 在沈寛教授木作展 演出 高山流水
8/13/2017 at American University Museum , DC
at Foon Shem Exhibition 在沈寛教授木作展 演出 關山月
8/13/2017 at American University Museum , DC
at Foon Shem Exhibition 在沈寛教授木作展 演出 漁舟唱晚
1/29/2017 At CCCC, DC - The Grasshopper mocks the Rooster
演出 草螟弄雞公
1/28/2017 At Lake Forest Mall, Maryland - The Medley of the Year of Rooster (with calligraphy)
演出 雞年組曲(公雞八宅、那隻雞拜年、草螟弄雞公) (古箏、書法)
1/28/2017 At Black Rock Center for the Arts, Maryland - Brother Monkey (with singer)
演出 猴哥 (古箏、歌唱)
1/28/2017 At Black Rock Center for the Arts, Maryland - The days with Happiness
演出 歡樂的日子
1/28/2017 At Black Rock Center for Arts, Maryland - The Medley of the Year of Rooster
演出 雞年組曲(公雞八宅、那隻雞拜年、草螟弄雞公)
1/28/2017 At Black Rock Center for the Arts, Maryland - High Mountains and Following Waters (Solo)
獨奏 高山流水
1/28/2017 At Black Rock for the Arts, Maryland - Chicken Eight homes
演出 公雞八宅
1/28/2017 At Black Rock Center for the Arts, Maryland - Chicken New Year (with calligraphy)
演出 那隻鷄拜年 (古箏、書法)
2/14/2016 At Tysons Corner Center, Virginia - Chrysanthemum Flower Terrace (with dancer)
2016 Lunar New Year celebration 演出 菊花台(古箏﹑舞蹈)
2/14/2016 At Tysons Corner Center, Virginia - General Command (with dancer)
2016 Lunar New Year celebration 演出 將軍令(古箏﹑舞蹈)
2/14/2016 At Chinatown Community Cultural Center, DC - Happiness
2016 Lunar New Year Festival 演出 喜洋洋(四重奏)
2/07/2016 At Lakeforest Mall, Maryland - Journey to the West Brother Monkey (with singer)
2016 Lunar New Year celebration 演出 猴哥 (古箏、歌唱)
2/07/2016 At Lakeforest Mall, Maryland - Dance for the Peace
2016 Lunar New Year celebration 演出 和平舞
2/07/2016 At Lakeforest Mall, Maryland - Ever Green Mountain (with singer)
2016 Lunar New Year celebration 演出 高山青 (古箏、歌唱)
2/06/2016 At BlackRock Center for the Arts, Maryland - Moonlight over the Lotus Pond (with calligraphy)
Lunar New Year celebration 演出 荷塘月色 (古箏、書法)
2/06/2016 At BlackRock Center for the Arts, Maryland - Journey to the West Brother Monkey
Lunar New Year celebration 演出 猴哥
2/06/2016 At BlackRock Center for the Arts, Maryland - Flowers on the Brocade
Lunar New Year celebration 演出 錦上花
2/06/2016 At BlackRock Center for the Arts, Maryland - Ever Green Mountain
Lunar New Year celebration 演出 高山青
10/11/2015 At Arlington Central Library Auditorium, Arlington, VA - Old Folks at Home
The 13rd Annual Gu-zheng performance 演出 故鄉的親人三重奏
10/11/2015 At Arlington Central Library Auditorium, Arlington, VA - Horse Racing
The 13rd Annual Gu-zheng performance 演出 賽 馬
5/30/2015 At Chataqua Stage, Glen Echo Park, Maryland - Fighting the Typhoon
The 35th Annual Washington Flok Festival 演出 戰颱風
5/30/2015 At Spanish Ball Room, Glen Echo Park, Maryland - Chrysanthemum Terrace
The 35th Annual Washington Flok Festival 演出 菊花台
5/30/2015 At Spanish Ball Room, Glen Echo Park, Maryland - Lady’s Love
The 35th Annual Washington Flok Festival 演出 女兒情
5/30/2015 At Spanish Ball Room, Glen Echo Park, Maryland - Moonlit Lotus Pond
The 35th Annual Washington Flok Festival 演出 荷塘月色
2/28/2015 BlackRock Center for the Arts - Chinese Lunar New Year Ceolebration - 《高山流水》 with calligraphy
2/28/2015 BlackRock Center for the Arts - Chinese Lunar New Year Ceolebration - 羊年組曲 Medley of Year of Sheep -《瑪麗有隻小羊》、《羊毛剪子咔嚓响 / 剪羊毛》、《喜洋洋》聯奏
10/25/2014 James Lee Community Theater, VA - Butterfly Lovers
12th Annual Performance 演出 梁祝 (梁山伯與祝英台)
10/25/2014 James Lee Community Theater, VA - Moonlit River in Spring
12th Annual Performance 演出 春江花月夜二重奏
9/13/2014 The Kennedy Center - the Millennium Stage Program : Africa and China Building Bridges through Culture and Cooperation - Moonlit River in Spring (from 50:45)
肯尼地表演藝術中心千禧舞台演出(由 50:45) 春江花月夜
5/17/2014 2014 Fiesta Asia Street Fair - Hors Racing
美國國會大厦前的2014 Fiesta Asia Street Fair 演出 賽馬
5/02/2014 At the Kennedy Center - the Millennium Stage / Lotus & General command (from 9:05 to 14:35)
肯尼地表演藝術中心千禧舞台演出(由 9:05 至 14:35) 出水蓮、男兒當自強(將軍令)
2/01/2014 At LakeForest Shopping Center, Maryland - Jasmine Flower
湖林商場賀年節目演出 茉莉花
1/22/2014 Global Dragon TV Interview: America Odyssey 36
環球龍視專訪特輯: 美國探索 36 - 專訪華盛頓華裔古箏大師
11/15/2013 James Lee Community Theater, VA - Guangling Melody
11th Annual Performance 演出 廣陵散
11/15/2013 James Lee Community Theater, VA - Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake
11th Annual Performance 演出 平湖秋月二重奏
9/28/2013 Little member on TV interview - General command
小團員接受電視台訪問 / 男兒當自強(將軍令)
6/03/2013 At Channel 21 TV interview (1) - America the Beautiful, Dance of Golden Snake, Waves Sweeping Sands, My Chinese Heart, Celebrate the Peace
嬋鳴古箏團接受「蒙郡論壇」專訪特輯 (1) - 金蛇狂舞、慶太平、浪淘沙、我的中國心
6/03/2013 At Channel 21 TV interview (2) - America the Beautiful, Dance of Golden Snake, Waves Sweeping Sands, My Chinese Heart, Celebrate the Peace
嬋鳴古箏團接受「蒙郡論壇」專訪特輯 (2) - 金蛇狂舞、慶太平、浪淘沙、我的中國心
5/27/2013 At the Kennedy Center - the Millennium Stage / Dance of Golden Snake
肯尼地表演藝術中心千禧舞台演出 金蛇狂舞
02/10/2013 Qi-gong Wu qin xi
氣功 五禽戲
07/01/2012 At CCACC - Lion Dance
07/01/2012 At CCACC - Evening Song on the Fishing Boat
07/01/2012 At CCACC - The Lonesome Spring Blossoms
古箏四重奏: 春花望露
07/01/2012 At CCACC - Reminisce the Homeland
遊子懷想(組曲): 「我的中國心」、「我和我的祖國」、「望春風」、「皇后大道東」和「America, the Beautiful」
05/24/2012 At United States Senate Building - Evening Song on the Fishing Boat
在美國首都華盛頓參議院演出 漁舟唱晩
05/24/2012 At United States Senate Building - America, the Beautiful (Performed at the Russell Senate Building)
在美國首都華盛頓參議院演出 美麗的美國
07/14/2011 At Nottoway Park, Virginia - The Moon above Mountain Pass
關 山 月 (古箏,書法與歌唱)
05/14/2011 At Freer and Sackler Galleries of Smithsonian Institution - Picking Tea Leaves and Catching butterflies
05/14/2011 Hanh Trinh Tren Dat Phu Sa ( Hành Trình Trên Đất Phù Sa) ( Vietnamese Charity Concert)
5/07/2011 at Robert E. Parilla Performing Arts Center, Montgomery College, Maryland - Four Sketches of Landscape
04/02/2011 At Taiwan 100 - Medley of Taiwanese Famous Songs
寳島情懷(組曲): 阿美族舞曲、橄欖樹、天黑黑、甜蜜蜜、梅花聯奏 [在百人大合唱及民族舞蹈聯歡晚會首演]
09/25/2010 Medley of Hong Kong Kung Fu Movie Songs
俠骨柔情話香江: 男兒當自強(將軍令)、鮮花滿月樓與萬水千山縱横聯奏 [在2010金秋月圓文藝晩會首演]
06/26/2010 At the 2010 Smithsonian Folklife Festival at National Mall - Medley of Hong Kong Golden Song
香港影視金曲聯奏: 滄海一聲笑與上海灘 由史密松尼刋載
  At the 2010 Smithsonian Folklife Festival at National Mall - Medley of Hong Kong Golden Song
香港影視金曲聯奏: 滄海一聲笑與上海灘 (史密松尼民俗節製作 )
06/26/2010 At the 2010 Smithsonian Folklife Festival at National Mall - America the Beautiful
美麗的美國二重奏 (應美國史密松尼博物館机構的邀請在2010民俗節中演出)
06/26/2010 At the 2010 Smithsonian Folklife Festival at National Mall - Jasmine Flower
茉莉花二重奏 (應美國史密松尼博物館机構的邀請在2010民俗節中演出)
06/26/2010 At the 2010 Smithsonian Folklife Festival at National Mall - Chinese Kung Fu
中國功夫 (應美國史密松尼博物館机構的邀請在2010民俗節中演出)
08/29/2009 At Concert Hall, Center of the Arts - Medley of Hong Kong Golden Song (provided by Yellow River Art Group)
香港影視金曲聯奏: 滄海一聲笑與上海灘 (在2009金秋月圓文藝晩會首演. 本影片由黃河藝術團製作)
04/10/2010 Dance of Ah Mei People
阿美族舞曲 (古箏重奏)
06/12/2009 Phoenix Hairpin
釵頭鳳 (古箏、書法、與歌唱)
04/04/2009 Fearless (Huo Yuan Chia)
霍元甲 (古箏、電子結他、與大鼓)
  American, the Beautiful
  Waves Sweeping Sands 浪淘沙
All Rights Reserved by The Alice Gu-Zheng Ensemble